Monday, July 4, 2011


A friend put this up on her Facebook posts recently.  

Holding hands and making eye contacts, which are so effective in establishing and maintaining the bond in a relationship, have become so underrated by most couples in our modern and super busy society. 

Just over the weekend when I walked through a mall which was packed with people, the examples were everywhere. 

While we get on with our hectic lives, we often take pride in our abilities to multi-task and be super efficient. But we also miss out on the joys of such simple and yet loving acts.

If you are one of those who use an iPad while your spouse tries to have a conversation with you, put it down the next time and devote a few minutes of your life to give him/her the undivided attention. I'm sure it will be appreciated. 

And if you find yourself constantly walking ahead of your spouse when you are out together, remind yourself to slow down and go hold his/her hand. Either power walk hand-in-hand if you really have to march to the next appointment in record time or take a leisure walk for the next few minutes. 


NHI said...

I have to say "yes!!!" while reading this. It's so true. Many of us are living such hectic lives that we unknowingly neglect those closest to us. Instead, most of the time, our eyes are glued to some screen (tv, pc, iPhone, iPad) while our loved ones are trying to communicate with us.

DG said...

Ing, being aware is good. We can now do something about it. :>


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