Wednesday, February 9, 2011


The boys love Super Mario, all thanks to daddy's introduction a few years ago. 

Most of the time, they would just watch E play the games, cheering him on as Mario attempted one adventure after another in his bid to save Princess Peach. 

To the boys, it is a form of entertainment which is perhaps more exciting than watching TV programmes. 

To E, it is a required compromise so that he can still indulge in some form of family-friendly gaming time after work. Right from the time when M was a toddler, I have convinced him not to play certain types of games in front of the kids. With Super Mario, I can't really object though I still don't approve long hours of exposure. 

A few weeks ago, on a rainy weekend, E suggested a visit to the arcade with the kids which I reluctantly agreed. 

The thing is, I abhor arcades. I really do. My last visit to an arcade was a decade ago. Even before that, I used to associate arcade-goers with school drop-outs and delinquents and would simply avoid being seen in one. 

I don't know how people can stand being in a place with such assault of noise and still derive pleasure from the activities. Are they deaf or what?

The kids, on the other hand, were thrilled. All that they wanted to do was to play the driving games.

Even M was not tall enough to operate one on his own. These machines are obviously not designed for those 6 years and below. 

Sorry darling, but I am not going to step foot into another arcade again. Unless it is to drag my kids out of one. 


Kei said...

Ha. I am anti-arcade too. Only till recently did I discover that many toddlers frequent arcades. I was so shocked! I honestly thought it was a place for teens only.

Kei said...

Oh, not to mention the germs and dirt! Arcades always look so dirty to me.

DG said...


Oh I am always surprised that parents would spend so much money on those arcade machines just to amuse the kids. I guess if the parents themselves find joy in arcades, they probably think it is innocent fun to introduce to tots and preschoolers. Luckily my hubby is not much of a goer, otherwise there will be a lot of tsk tsk tsk from me.


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