Friday, June 18, 2010

Progress Updates: Jan to June 2010

In the Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) in May, both the English and Chinese teachers had plenty to say. 

On Marcus
尚豪有很强的语言能力, 是个善于表达的孩子。虽然他所掌握的华文词汇不比英文词汇来得多, 但他在上华文课时总会尽其所能运用所懂得的华文词汇自我表达。

Additional comments from teachers - Very inquisitive and is always asking intelligent questions. He has lots of initiative in learning (always asks when he doesn't know or understand something and wants to do more than what teachers asked/instructed) and very good imagination. Tries his best in Chinese lessons and very attentive. Reads avidly (from reading corner) whenever there are spare moments. Has very advanced understanding in science and general knowledge compared to children his age.

On Chipsy
尚杰聪明好学, 对师长有礼,友善合群, 与同学相处愉快, 上课专注, 认真完成作业,喜爱听故事, 对学习华文充满热忱, 希望他学习使用华语来表达。

Additional comments from teachers - A fast learner who is always attentive in class. Good memory (remembers lessons well) and can understand concepts taught easily. Very sociable and often announces in class 'I want to sing everyone a song'... and would start singing! Shows lots of enthusiasm in learning all subjects and will ask questions. Though he can't understand everything that his Chinese teacher says, he always asks her and tries to repeat after her. Has excellent enunciation and is able to pronounce Chinese words accurately, often at first try. An above-average student for his age.

Compared to a year ago, both boys have made huge improvement in Chinese. 

Now, my 5.5 years can even converse comfortably with my mum (who doesn't speak English at all) in Mandarin and translate for Chipsy or my mum when they can't understand each other. Of course, there are still miles to go before he reaches the satisfactory level (or rather what I deem to be the minimum standard) but we still have time and I am confident and optimistic that we will get there.

I am still adamant on NOT sending the boys to Chinese enrichment (even the widely popular Berries which almost everyone I know is attending) for as long as we can. 

With just his daily 45 min Chinese lessons in school coupled with my efforts at home works well enough so far for Marcus to make the leap from a totally non-speaker to where he is now.

As for Chipsy, I am doing virtually nothing with him on the Chinese front at this point. School lessons shall suffice for now while I work on other areas of priorities with him. 

Overall, I am very pleased with boys' progress. We shall march on!! 

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