Wednesday, June 16, 2010

In The News!

The positive result of it all - our family was interviewed and featured in the newspapers! Haha! Like it or not, we had our few minutes of fame! :D 

Click here for the article on Weekend Today and here for the write-up in The New Paper, which is also mentioned in The Online Citizen.

At first, it was a little overwhelming for the family actually, especially when it all happened so quickly.

E and I were still in Hong Kong (more details about our vacation later) when I noticed the spike in blog readership and there were a lot of emails from strangers. Thousands flocked from Facebook and Twitter and through links of several popular local blogs and forums. 

Once we got home, I received emails/calls from reporters who liked to meet with the family. I managed to arrange 3 interviews to take place in 2 days over the weekend. It was all so surreal! 

Coincidentally, we had visitors with us and were expecting more visitors for the weekend for some wedding photo shoot and a family dinner. The weekend as originally planned, was hectic enough. It also didn't help that I had 10 hours of classes to conduct in the same period. To top it all up with another 3 interviews was kind of crazy! I was practically rushing from place to place from Friday morning up till Sunday night. The kids were totally spent by the time Sunday dinner was served.

But when we saw the articles in the newspapers, it was all worth it! Relatives and friends called to cheer and everyone in the family was all smiles. I just wish Marcus had a better haircut in that photo of The New Paper and if only we had a toy ship of some sort at home that day. (Hee hee.. Marcus held up a toy plane in that photo!)

Nevertheless, the newspaper articles will make wonderful keepsake for the children and we are pleased that the boys experienced the interviewing process. 

Before I accepted the interviews, I had a chat with Marcus and explained what it meant to be interviewed and why we thought he should give it a shot. It will be a learning experience anyway for him to share his thoughts with strangers and have them write about it in the newspapers. How cool it must be to read about himself in the news and what others have to say about him, especially since he is just a little boy now! 

One of the reporters asked Marcus how did he feel about being 'famous' (now, don't take this the wrong way!) and the little boy replied candidly 'but I don't want to be famous!'. 

Haha!  The age of innocence! 


Eileen W said...

I didn't read your earlier post but have read the newspaper article. I was telling my hubby about your ambitious little boy which is commendable. And now I found out he is actually your son. You must be very proud of him :) Cheers!

DG said...

Hi Eileen, we are beaming with pride! :>

The Beauties In Our Lives said...

Domesticgoddess: This is truly awesome indeed! From the conception of an ambition to a letter to a reply to a newspaper article! I am sure Marcus had enjoyed this valuable experience thoroughly :)

DG said...

Hi Beauties In Our Lives, it has been an experience for sure, not just for the little boy, but the whole family! :>


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