Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Tall Tale: Gunsaurus

Marcus wrote this tall tale on Gunsaurus recently. Almost all by himself, except for the word 'skeleton' which he asked me to spell for him.

Once upon a time, there was a robot dragon called Gunsaurus that lived on Satarnten.

Gunsaurus was a gigantic, ferocious robot. His head was a tall semi-circle shape and his mouth was made of two long pieces of metal.

He had no nose. His two eyes were the size of beach balls and his eyes could change colors.

He had no claws but he had guns on his arms. His guns were metal pipes that have torpedoes. His teeth were made of rock. His skeleton was made of metal. His tail was made of springs.

His skeleton was made of nuts, bolts and springs. He had two skeletons - an inner skeleton and an exoskeleton.

He had two hearts. He had three brains.

He had nine thousand enemies. He was one of the most famous robots.

He could crush a condo. He could break wullalumps. He could crack the Earth.

His structure was neatly packed in a nice canned body. He was the most formidable robots of all.

I wish I could see him one day.


'Wullalumps' is a name M made up, referring to the aliens on Satarnten, a planet in an imaginery galaxy called Tenway.


The Beauties In Our Lives said...

Oh my goodness, his spectrum of vocabulary is IMPRESSIVE and excellent for his age! He writes soooo well! I am utterly impressed!

DG said...

Thanks for your encouragement. :>


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