Last year, my 3 y.o. started drawing recognisable details which excited us to no end. His themes are varied and reflect a lot on the topics surrounding the household and his fancy imagination. It just gets more interesting every week. Here is a quick look at some of my favourites.
(Below) Airplane with pilot. The little thing next to the pilot is the toilet with the seat up, because the pilot needs to poo!!! Hahaha!
(Below) Scared Lambs. They were scared because of the fire! He started drawing the lambs first and then came running to me, asking me to spell the words. He wrote all the letters on his own. I just adore his stick lambs!! Too cute!
(Above) - lambs stacking on top of each other for a performance. He said some were very nervous and I can tell if I look at their faces. :) Haha!! I love the originality.
Above - Papa, Mama, Marcus and him on a rocket. :>
In the recent months, this kiddo has been really inspired to write. I say 'inspired' because it is NOT part of what I introduce to him. He picks up the papers and pencils on his own initiative and gets busy for a substantial period of time! Just like how his older brother used to do at this age and still does daily.
He often adds his own storyline to his pictures and write a bunch of letters to represent (in his mind anyway) words that tell his story. Sometimes, he asks me to spell words for him. Other times, he is quite contented to depend solely on his imagination.
Here are a few pieces which he drew/wrote between Jan and Feb 2010.
This next drawing done in Jan '10 shows the control panel in a spaceship. All the letters and shapes are buttons on the control panel for the astronauts to press for landing, flying and another is the emergency button when spaceship is going to crash!

Ohhh... I personally love the train or perhaps a steam engine of the 2nd picture. Btw, your boy has very good imagination! ;)
Thanks Alice. I have seen so many engines and trains in my boys' drawings in the past years that some stickmen and stick lambs are refreshing change! :>
I always look for your boys drawings whenever I pop by.
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