Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Disturbing Behaviour

One thing that disturbs me greatly is the inconsideration that some people have. We had some children over recently and it is upsetting to watch the behaviour of these kids and their accompanying parents.

While it is understandable that some parents may have challenges managing the behaviour of their children, it is appalling to watch parents taking a very laid-back approach when their kids are trying to physically attack other children.

That's not all. These kids walked around the house munching away the biscuits they brought and left crumbs ALL over the living room. Instead of asking the kids to sit at one place to finish their snacks (isn't that common sense and good courtesy??), the parents didn't batter an eyelid. Not even when the kids knocked over their bowls of snacks and crumbs went all over the sofa and floor. Not a sign of embarrassment or word of apology from both kids and parents. When I promptly jumped up to start cleaning away the crumbs, the mum had the cheek to say 'why don't you get a cleaning robot? My friend has it and her house is so clean'.

Yah! My house is usually very clean too since my boys never walk around the house eating crackers and leaving food crumbs all over the house, then step on them, jump onto the sofa and walk around some more.

It reminded me once again of what my parents used to tell us - a young kid's behaviour reveals a lot about the parents. Though these kids may not fully understand what 'being considerate' means, it doesn't mean adults should leave the less-than-desirable behaviour unchecked. They (adults and kids alike) must be so used to doing this at home since they have a maid to clean up behind them. Even when I used to have a maid, my boys were not allowed to do that at home. When we are in others' homes, I clean up after them if they were to leave any crumbs or mess. And I always, always, apologise for any mess they make.

The experience left me with a bitter aftertaste.


Ivana said...

Oh dear! How absolutely terrible! My mum had visitors like that once. She had to literally follow the two boys around our house with a wet cloth as they decorated our walls and furniture with food and oily hand marks. And the parents just shrugged their shoulders and commented that they do this at home too and how they can't control them... besides, boys will be boys.... No apology or offer to wipe down anything. GRRRRRRRRR

I giggled when they offered the remark that you should buy a robot to clean the floor!

DG said...

OMG! Your mum was kind. I would have invited them OUT! I am glad you see the funny side of that comment. Heehee


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