Sunday, May 3, 2009

That Angelic Face

Each night, just before I go to bed, I would crouch next to the beds of my sleeping boys for a few minutes to admire their beautiful angelic faces. 

I always reach down to caress their cheeks, kiss their foreheads, lightly stroke their arms and hold their little fingers in mine. 

Sometimes just sitting by their beds looking at their peaceful faces and hearing their gentle snoring, I can't help but think ' Gee... my little babies have turned into these two little people with such beautiful spirits and charismatic personalities'. 

Inevitably, the next thought is 'Wow... and I made them! They were previously a part of me. Wow!'

In that brevity, I always feel a strong wave of powerful love that flows through every nerve and fibre of my body. I just want to pick them up and squeeze them tight, kiss them all over and over and whisper non-stop 'oh mummy loves you so much'. But I don't, in case I wake them.

Instead, I smile and give them a light kiss on their cheeks and whisper 'Sweet dreams, my baby. Mummy loves you so much. See you in the morning. We will have lots of fun again.'


M said...

Sooo cute, clutching Buzz Lightyear! *heart MELTS!*

About those feelings welling up watching them sleep... heh, there was once when Girl was about a year old and sleeping soundly. K couldn't resist tickling her palm and she woke up SCREAMING in terror! I nearly killed him.

lishan17 said...

Aww.. That's really sweet

DG said...

Oh Mel! I know what you mean! I think I would be screaming at the hubby too if he were to tickle my sleeping baby. :P


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