Friday, March 6, 2009

When I Run

I do love my time at the gym. All I need is my iPod and I am good to go. 

Once on the treadmill or stationery bike, I get lost in my own world in literally seconds after I hear the familiar voices stored in my little white companion. 

I forget my exhaustion, my stress or my troubles. I go into a mode of reflection and recollection. I relive forgotten scenes. I gather my thoughts. I regain my calm. I reset my mind. I escape from reality and seek refuge in a fantasy world. My mind is free to wander and wonder. No interruptions. Only single-mindedness.  

All the while, I just keep going on the machine, pushing my body for just yet another few minutes. Until I complete my 60 minutes.

One of my particular favorites which I often listen to is White Flag by Dido. It is funny that I only paid attention to the lyrics recently, despite listening to it for almost two years. 

I am back to my running and has started to keep a record of how I do per session. I have a goal to work towards. I just love how my body and mind feel straight after an intensive workout.

Hmmm... if only I can retreat to some luxurious Egyptian cotton sheets with a masseuse waiting for me after my bath..... 

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