Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Nicholas - 26 months old

Whenever I look at Nicholas, I just have to smile. There is something so adorable about him that makes me want to drop everything I am doing and run over to give that warm body a tight squeeze. Alright, I'll be honest. There are also times when I want to scream at him, or did anyway, like when he pours his bowl of cheerios with milk on the floor or dumps the whole box of tiny teeny pieces of Lego into another gigantic box of toys and just walk away.

Nicholas may be the younger one, but he is definitely a feisty little boy. He fights for toys and demands for attention loudly. When he is being reprimanded for doing something naughty, he cries loudly in a bid to gain attention and sympathy. He bullies Marcus, constantly disturbing and annoying Marcus on purpose. He knocks down Marcus' Lego structures and scribbles on Marcus' drawings gleefully. He pounds the piano when Marcus is practising. Basically, he follows his big brother all around the house, never giving Marcus a moment of peace till he is tucked in bed.

But the boys do play nicely at times, when they decide to. They play train sets together. They park all the vehicles on the road map and pretend to drive their way through a traffic jam. They may work happily on some Lego structures together or crawl around the house as two reptiles or monsters, roaring at every toy they spot along the way.

Often, the first line out of his mouth when he wakes is 'Where is Marcus?'. He looks to his big brother for comfort these days when he is sad or when I am not instantly available. He loves to climb into Marcus' bed and tucks himself neatly next to Marcus before indulging in their little game of tickling each other silly. I usually rush into the room to watch them rolling about giggling and entangled, just in case they fall off the bed. But usually I end up laughing so hard at them or just couldn't resist tickling both.

Of all the toys we have, he values his Megablok digger the most. He brings it into his bath to scoop water out of his bathtub and insists on taking it to the playground for sandplay. He digs Lego with it and anything that he can lay his hands on, including his rice if I allow him to. He has to cuddle his stuffed toy Piglet which he calls Piggy (but sounds more like 'diddy') when he goes to bed. He sniffs Piggy's butt and bites its ears and drags Piggy around the house as his playmate when Marcus is in school.

Nicholas especially enjoys craftwork and painting. He likes getting his fingers and palms all wet with colours and loves the process of transforming a plain canvas to something bright and colourful. Once in a while, he would cheekily threaten to decorate my walls and would laugh noisily when I whisk him away in a hurry to the sink. I think his favourite colours are yellow and blue.

He makes funny faces and noises and sings nursery songs all day long and is pretty good at them too. He loves to be tickled and would ask for more. He enjoys being read to and insists on a few favourites nightly which he would in turn read to his bedtime companions.

Nicholas speaks A LOT. Sometimes clearly in long complete sentences, sometimes not. He asks lots of questions - all the why's, where's, what's etc. I think he is pretty smart as he picks up things that I introduce to him real quick. I only need to mention it once or twice and he could show me he understands almost immediately. He knows his shapes and colours and most of his letters. He is starting to read English words and can rote count 1 - 10. He knows the parts of his body and enjoys our naming game. He can identify pictures of probably 30 -40 animals and knows the sounds that some animals make. He loves looking at fruits and vegetables and can name most of them.

He has pretty good coordination and balance and loves dashing around. He has no fear of heights and no consideration for safety (though I know it is common for his age), which worries me at times. He jumps on sofas and beds, despite being reminded repeatedly not to and he loves climbing onto tables and chairs.

Recently, he starts to tell us he is scared - of certain sounds, scenes from movies or situations. Sometimes rightly so, but other times, I suspect he is just being manipulative as he learns that it is a winning approach to get out of unfavourable situations.

Being the baby in the household, he gets away with a lot more than Marcus did when he was this age. Nicholas doesn't sit in the high chair anymore. He protested and whined and got away with it. So E and I feed him (resentfullly) while he plays or walks around the house. He gets patted to sleep and still sleeps in our room, though he stays in his own cot. Compared this to Marcus who was moved into his own room and trained to fall asleep on his own when he was 18 months old, Nicholas surely gets more pampering. But the boys have expressed desire to sleep in the same room, so we may just shift Nicholas over to be with Marcus next year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, what a sweet post about a lovely little baby. xxxx XH


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