Friday, December 19, 2008

Intensive Week of Playdates

It feels like a crash course on social skills for the kids. The boys ended up with 5 play dates in 8 days.

Last Friday: 
My sis came over and the boys played with her 2 gals harmoniously for close to 3 hours. It is always lovely to have my mum or sister pop over. I just love our bonding time which we spent doing nothing else but talk. Even when we are just sharing mundane details, it is still so enjoyable. 

This Monday: 
I took both boys to Alexios' house. He is Marcus' classmate who lives just 5 min away by cab. According to his mum, Alexio mentions Marcus most often at home and Marcus is also the only classmate Alexio has ever invited over. Being our second time there, the boys needed no time at all to warm up. Once they pulled off their shoes, they headed straight to the toys. Not once did they stop to check where I was for the whole 3 hrs that we were there. 

It was also great for me since I got to sip a nice cuppa, mostly undisturbed, and get to know Alexio's mum. I couldn't resist peeping into the bedroom/playroom a couple of times. All I saw each time was a scene of my boys being totally engrossed with the mountains of toys Alexio and his brother have. Marcus played mostly with Alexio who is 5, and Nicholas with 3 yo Ellis. 

Just before we left, Marcus warmly invited Alexio over our place to play with him. Aww... I love it that they are forming friendships. Definitely something that I would highly encourage. 

Boys had 2 hrs of sand play with 3 Japanese neighbours at a playground nearby. There were so many kids that day that my boys ended up interacting and playing with many more kids. 

After a brief but frustrating attempt to make sandcastles, Marcus gave up and began writing words on the sand with a big stick. That drew lots of attention from all the adults who oohed and ahhed over him, even more so when they realised he is only 4 yo. 

The attention he attracted spurred him on to write lots like 'Muck' (in Bob the Builder), police, car, bus, taxi, etc..  I was too busy watching Chipsy, so only took one photo. 

Chipsy was the social butterfly who mingled with every group. He even went ahead to tickle a really pretty 7 y.o girl who later returned the gesture. 

We met up with Karen, Emma and Ethel at Jacobs Ballas.

The fearless boy slid down the long and winding tunnel slide over and over. 

Here was Marcus touching up the fort that daddy made. All it needed was a stick.

Marcus on the way up the molehill.

Tomorrow: With one cousin again. At our place.  

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