Saturday, December 20, 2008

Just Me and Marcus

On some weekends, E and I like to spend a couple of hours bonding with just a boy at a time, instead of our usual family weekend routine. He may take Chipsy out and about with him, while I plan other activities with M. And in the midday, we swap kids or meet up somewhere in town for a family activity of some sort.

So a fortnight ago, that was what we did. I took M to the library for an hour or so, before we settled down for a lovely lunch of sushi. 

He always enjoys our library trips, though he tends to settle for the first few books he picks up and is happy to leave real soon. I try to encourage him to browse the shelves, take his time to make his selection, and spend some time reading in the library.

I am also trying to teach him how to decide for himself if a book is interesting or boring, if the illustrations are well-drawn and captivating etc.. Basically, to learn to critic for himself rather than just plainly accept everything as good.

We lugged back 9 books in the end, which he finished within 2 days. Now he is just re-reading some of his favourites before we return to the library this weekend for more.

Last Saturday, M spent a couple of hours with me alone again. So off we went to his replacement art lesson, followed by a leisurely lunch before checking out an art studio near home. The sheer pleasure of holding his little hand and chatting as we stroll is just too precious. 

Now I am toying with the idea of taking him for a day trip somewhere, just the two of us. Maybe even a cruise to nowhere! Wow! I can imagine how he will be totally blown away by the experience. 

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