Sunday, December 28, 2008

Cooking With Kids: Pancakes and Pizzas

Making Pancakes

The 4yo was in charge of stirring the batter for making pancakes. We usually make a big stash at one go and freeze some. He loves it when I let him scoop dollops of batter onto the pan. Sometimes he gets to add chocolate buttons into the batter to make his favourite chocolate pancake.

Making Pizzas

The boys love to make their own pizzas. 

I use a great wholewheat pita that I found at the Jasons Market Place supermarket as the pizza base. Give them the Waitrose organic concentrated tomato puree to spread onto the base with a bread knife, plenty of grated cheese and apple baked or honey baked ham and whatever ingredients we are using to sprinkle. Bake in oven for 5-10 min depending on ingredients used and it's done! 


Enjoying a slice of the pizza he made. :)

The boys have been involved in a lot more cooking than these. Their repertoire so far include making their own sandwiches, helping to cook scrambled eggs and baking muffins and cookies. 

They always savour all experiences with enthusiasm and pride. My usual problem is the difficulty in urging them to be more patient while I prepare the ingredients. 

Once I announce that everything is ready, they will scurry off to wash hands and dash back to the table, stand at their designated spots and pounce on whatever that I have set on the table like hungry dogs!

Next is followed by a lot of 'hey, you got to spread this first!',  'not too much or it will be too sweet/salty',  'you can't eat these! they are still raw!',  'don't run away with the cheese! come back here!'  ... 

Which is why I have very few photos of my kids cooking. 


Anonymous said...

oooooo I totally understand! Sophie eats the pancakes as soon as I cook them! So no pics too. :)

Jaanvi said...

I loved the shot of your boy stirring the batter. He looks so happy there.. :) i also like the idea of involving kids in household chores.

DG said...

Yes yes Ling! Sometimes my cheeky boys try to eat whatever that they are making even before it is cooked! Especially when it comes to pizza making.

Hi Jaanvi, thanks! He is always happy to help out with cooking. But I don't think it is the same with other household chores.


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