Friday, November 7, 2008

A Topic for the Second Book

Before I blog about this second book...

.... see here for the first book written and illustrated by M. It is finally completed, so I have added the photos of the new pages (actually only an additional book cover and one last page) to the photos which were already in that post for sake of completeness.

We are both very pleased that it is finally finished and I am even contemplating laminating the book! Haha!

The initial idea was to make a 10-pages book, which means he has to draw 11 pictures in total, including one for the cover. After having drawn over 100 triple decker buses (no kidding!) from the day he invented the idea, he has somewhat moved on now.... which explains why it took a while to get him to complete the cover for the book and we eventually settled for a 7-pages book.

He is now back to drawing trucks and vehicle carriers, though he still talks about triple deckers and how magical they can be in his daily conversations.

Anyway, we have been doing lots of other stuff at home with a few other projects pending, and one of which is to begin a second book. It shall have nothing to do with vehicles. Instead, we will be combining social studies, art, general knowledge and perhaps even some crafts to make this book. So it will be very educational and more challenging.

The idea was born after our discussion one afternoon following his numerous questions on the topic. I suggested we make a book on it and he displayed utmost enthusiasm. Very encouraging to see my little boy so keen on learning and "working", though I like to think that he has lots of fun along the way.

I have to do some preparation work before we can get started on this book though. Hopefully we will complete it before he begins his school holidays.


3lilangels said...

How interesting! We are planning on making a few lapbooks this hols. The kids had decided on the topics. Let's see if any actually come to fruition. :)

DG said...

Hi 3lilangels, thanks for dropping by. I would be keen to see the lapbooks your kids make too, when they are completed. It is fun and very interesting, I must agree and the sense of accomplishment alone makes it all the more worthwhile to attempt.


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