He asked for sweetcorn, prawns, fish ball and lots of peanuts. I added sushi rice and the alligator carrot, french beans and cabbage to balance the meal. The vegetables were steamed and the peanuts braised with tofu, but I picked out the tofu since he already had tofu for dinner the night before.
Can you recognise my alligator?
He specifically requested for the strawberry container to be filled with cheerios!
He specifically requested for the strawberry container to be filled with cheerios!
I always include a pack of Smoo milk (180ml) for beverage in case he finishes all his water or if his lunch is insufficient. Did I mention before that he only drinks water and milk. He doesn't like any sweet beverage, not even a drop of juice! He can't even be tempted with junk like yakult or ribena either. I am actually quite proud of that.
He ate everything in the bento and told me after school that the quantity was just nice, but he wants more peanuts next time! Then he laughed when I asked him about the alligator carrot and told me his teachers think his lunchbox is very special. :)
Hi, I like your bento creations very much. May I ask where did you buy those small cute animal containers to put the snacks? And, you cut out those shapes (e.g. teddy bear sandwich) yourself without any special cutters?
Hi anonymous, thank you! :) I bought those containers at Daiso. The alligator carrot was cut by hand with only an ordinary knife. The teddy bear sandwich was cut with a biscuit cutter.
Thanks! Wow! They are indeed very nice and creative. Looking forward to seeing more of your creations. :-)
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