Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Too much TV

Yes, I hate to admit this but in my opinion, they are watching way TOO much TV nowadays. 

Nicholas wails almost every morning the moment he wakes that he wants to watch Cat, referring to the Tom & Jerry cartoon we have on VCD. I try not to give in usually, but it is a tough one. Between E and I, we have been rather inconsistent in this area.

Whenever the boys get super cranky, they almost always ask to watch TV, and the rectangular box really works as a soother too. So we do relent at times and often, too easily. 

Hmm.. gotta improve that.


Administrator said...

absolutely!..Nicole wakes every morning as though just for 2 reasons - Milk and TV....the rest are secondary to her...gosh..

DG said...

I don't mind so much if the programmes are the educational type as I don't believe in restricting completely too. What does Nicole watch?

Administrator said...

we subscribe to disney playhouse..so whatever they screen in the morning...dino the dinasour? or shana? or dont know what...what does marcus fancy?

DG said...

We don't subscribe to the channel, so we can control what Marcus watches, which is mainly programmes that we bought. Check out my new post. :)


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