Sunday, April 6, 2008

Baby talk, baby play

The baby plays all day long, talks all day long too.

He plays very similarly like his big brother and really picks up super fast. We see Marcus do one new thing in the morning and a few hours later, Nicholas is doing the same thing. Marcus plays on his road map a lot, parking and moving his large variety of vehicles around and arranging them in all sorts of crash and rescue scenarios. We see Nicholas play the same way, moving a double decker bus (which he excitedly calls 'decker') along the roads on the map and making the same "brrrm brrmm brrmm' sound that Marcus makes.

He does plenty of pretend play. Sometimes with Marcus. Sometimes with me or helper. He pretends to cook and feed us with the kitchen set toys, and does a lot of highly animated acts with us whenever Marcus is in the mood. He loves to be in Marcus' company, so whatever the bigger brother does, the lil one follows. He placed an empty plastic container on his head and pretended it was a hat and walked around like a chubby comedian in the '60% mummy, 40% daddy' romper E bought. That was hilarious to watch as he amused himself with the new hat on his head. He saws and screws and drills with the tool set toys we have and loves to hide every piece of the nuts and bolts whenever he gets the chance.

He loves shape sorters and starting to play with 2 piece puzzles. He has played with all the different shape sorters we have, of varying levels of difficulty and seem to enjoy the challenge of the more difficult ones as well as the ones that he has mastered.

He talks non stop with whoever playing with him. At home, we all speak non stop to him too, so I guess that encourages his talkativeness which is great. His voice sounds like music to us and even the helper, who has developed a real fondness and love for the baby, is very self-motivated to teach him new words and talk to him all the time. It always makes us laugh when Nicholas talks to Marcus as he is highly animated and sometimes he sounds as if he is asking plenty of questions with his accompanying hand gesture.

It is comforting to see him learn new skills and take on new challenges with the same easy hunger and confidence as Marcus and rewarding to watch him excitedly showing off a new game he has learnt, new word he has picked up, or being able to point to the correct picture of a word I read out. That is the beauty of parenting and one of the ways of being appreciative of being a stay-home mum is I guess, celebrating the moments he does something for the first time.

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