Friday, May 11, 2007

Hectic week

I am thoroughly exhausted. Been waking up at 6am and sleeping at 1130pm with no breaks in between. For past few days, it was fairly easy to get Marcus to school, with little objections from him and these 2 days, not a tear even. Hopefully, next week onwards, I can drop him off at the school entrance with just a hug, kiss and wave goodbye with him waving back with a smile. With the sleep deprivation and stress from all sources, my immune system is going haywire now, threatening me with a cough and other accompanying sicknesses which will probably rob me of my much needed weekend of fun and rest. Doh! Met up with Carol today and learnt that she is expecting #3. I have mixed feelings about the news. Happy for them and at same time, wonder if I will ever be this brave again. Have always wanted 3 kids like she does, and i know waiting too long will definitely mean stopping at 2, though we have announced that we will stop at 2. I wonder if I really stopped at 2, will I ever look back and regret this decision when I am older and be one of those old people who tell younger folks that "I wish I had gone ahead and have another baby" since after all, I have always wanted to have 3 kids since I was in my 20s.

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