Monday, May 7, 2007

Day 3 & 4

Day 3
Was last Friday. Took Marcus to school earlier, hoping that being the first few to enter the classroom, he would be less scared and put off and help make saying goodbyes easier, at least if it buys me more time. Reached there at 7.45am, but school wasn't opened, so waited outside till busloads of kids appear. At 8am, when school opened, carried Marcus in as he refused to walk. He started crying when approaching the classroom and when Nazia came out to welcome him, he was still upset. Nazia asked gently if I can let her take over to comfort, I thought it is good idea and passed Marcus over, though he was still crying. Since I couldn't enter the room now to calm him down (I didn't go in for first 2 days, so can't do it now as it may do more damage than help to his separation anxiety, though it would have helped mine), and I just know staying outside with him will not help. He cried even louder which broke my heart. I said my quick goodbye and hid in a corner so he couldn't see me and peeped for a long time. He was brought to a table where the other children were and I heard him asked Nazia "can you draw me a long long bus please". Aww.. my baby has manners even when he is so upset. And almost immediately he stopped crying and I could see his shoulders going gently up and down, just sobbing slightly I guess. He stood around the table, next to Nazia and other kids and watched her draw and them doing something with their pencils. At one point, he picked up one and began to scribble too. Then I left so I could go home quickly to spend time with Nicholas who was staying home with daddy. Went back at 1030am, peeped again and saw him sitting on a rug alone, with a container of something which I couldn't tell for sure. Asked him later and didn't get response either. He wasn't doing anything with it, but was just observing other kids doing their stuff. Nazia saw me peeping outside and she went over to him and got him to roll up his rug on his own and I was amazed how he could do it very well. Then I quickly ran outside and waited for him to come out. When he came out with his little schoolbag, he looked sooooooo adorable and tiny, just melts my heart! Saw me and had such a big smile. Aww.. I went forward immediately, greeted him with my warmest smile and gave him a big cuddle. Put him down and immediately he offered, 'mama, I had fun at school today.' I was so happy that I wanted to cry, but didn't of course. Gave him a tight squeeze and told him how happy I am to hear that. Asked him what he did in school, if he did this and that and to most questions, he just nodded, said yes or ignored me and tell me buses and taxis. Asked him if he was hungry, said yes, so fed him the salmon scrambled egg which papa made for him. Jacob, another boy who started school same day as Marcus was there eating his sandwiches and pear and his mum offered Marcus some. He happily took 2 pieces and ate them after he finished all his egg. He even told Jacob's mum that his papa made him the scrambled egg. So cute.

Then we took double decker to Orchard Road to please him further, walked to Paragon and immediately he said 'we need to go to Toys R Us'. I don't think he knows there is one there, but it is his FAVOURITE shop now. He found his own way to the Tomy cars section and once there, he kept telling me about every car he sees, either 'I've got this one at home' or 'mama, we need to buy this one'. Then went to the staff nearby, gave one man his imaginary $5 which he took out of his pocket and told the guy 'I pay for this car'. Haha!

Went to the playground one level down later and he had so much fun at the slides and house, opening and closing the door and refusing others any entry. Told them it is 'too crowded'. Hee hee.. Then he played with the Thomas Tank Engine trains at ELC for a while with 2 other noisy Caucasian boys. Very bad mannered and rowdy compared to Marcus. One was screaming so loud ALL the time and another was just pushing and snatching a lot. Stood behind Marcus watching, so I could intervene quickly if needed. Marcus wanted to get past one boy at one point while pushing a train on the track and he told the boy 'excuse me' and 'thank you' when he got past. Then when the boy tried snatch his trains away, he told him 'these are Marcus's trains and held them real tight.

Day 4
Huge improvement from first 3 days. Greeted teachers willingly and only cried when about to enter classroom. Said no to me, but when Nazia came to door and welcomed him with open arms, he willingly went to her, though still clutching my hands. I let him go and told him 'i love him very much and that I will be outside waiting for him when he finishes school'. Then hid at a corner watching him and saw him calmed down WITHIN a minute. Attended 3 hrs. When he came out he was smiley too, but overwhelmed by the number of parents standing outside school to fetch others. Told me he ate a star shaped biscuit and it was very delicious. Told E later at night without being asked that he 'had fun at school' AGAIN. Definitely excellent news. Spoke to his teacher at length over phone today and found out in details his progress and what he did at school. Was told he is able to express well for his age, considering new environment and also very enthusiastic with all new materials introduced.

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