Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Last Night

Boys followed E back to our beloved home for the last night with a big plan.

After the meal of greasy hearty food, they got down to washing and scrubbing all surfaces before the handover. Boys were delighted to help and did their fair share of final scrubbing with big smiles.

The night ended with an uncomfortable sleepover, as their way to mark 'the end'. Not a word of complain from the kids, only quiet appreciation for the place that would forever be remembered as their first home.

The next morning, M rose early and asked his daddy gently,"Papa, will you come and sit by the window with me and watch the cars for the last time?"

And there, the boy sat quietly for a long while, taking in the familiar scene for the final time. (This really tugged at my heartstrings when E related it afterwards)

I can understand why this would mean so much to him. This was the very spot where he sat/stood at least a thousand times since he was a tiny toddler to watch the traffic. This was the very spot where he would observe with keen eyes the details of all the vehicles that passed by. For a few years, it was here that his red table was placed, where he would spend hours perfecting his drawings.

I know for my little baby, my little boy, his heart broke that day. He shed some quiet tears. But he understands.

He told me a few weeks later, in July, when we passed by the place, on that very street, that one day when he is old enough and has saved up enough, he would like to buy back this place. What a sweetheart he is.

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