Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Olivia: 14 Weeks


I didn't realize how much I've forgotten about the early months until now.

It is easy to remember the major milestones, but there is so much fun to remember the little details too. By the time I started this blog, the boys were already toddlers and I had already forgotten much of their newborn and infancy days.

I shall do it differently with Olivia and make a bigger effort to jot down these bits and pieces.

Since we haven't done our 3-month checkup, I brought her to the clinic for a quick weighing and measurement yesterday. Weight 5.85kg; length 60cm. I am surprised she isn't over 6 kg yet. But considering how small she was at birth, this is probably a good weight gain since she is just 150g short of doubling her birth weight.

Other development...

~blows bubbles and drools a lot

~loves stuffing her fingers in the mouth

~babbles a lot, as if holding conversation

~smiles easily at anyone who smiles and/or talks to her

~loves looking at faces; studies my face when I am changing nappy

~stares at her own reflections in mirror and will smile and coo at my reflection

~lifts her head up at 90 degrees when placed on tummy


~ just about able to roll over from back to tummy

~laughs out loud (yup, no longer a quiet bunny!)

~loves looking at the Cats in the boys' room, smiles and coos at them

~plays with her hands; tends to bring both hands to the mid line of her body

~shows excitement by kicking legs and change of breathing pace when she sees a toy that she likes

~ shows preference for certain music that E plays for her

~ absolutely adores Marcus who has a big soft spot for her too... :>


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