Thursday, December 9, 2010

More Than a Good Read

I like to read, but in the last few years, I ended up spending most of my reading time on non-fiction.

A few months ago, for a change, I read Flowers for Algernon, a gift from my sister-in-law who has a knack for picking out some fabulous books. This one has won numerous awards and was made into a film in the 1960s too.

When she gave it to me for Christmas last year, she said something like 'I think you will enjoy this book since you are so keen on children and issues related to the intelligence of the minds...'. My curiosity was indeed piqued!

The whole book was written in a form of journal entries kept by Charlie, the protagonist. So it was all about his views, feelings and observations of his life from before the experiment to how the experiment had changed his life.

It was mind boggling and totally inspiring. It moved me deeply and appealed to the maternalistic side of me. There were times when I found myself deeply disturbed by what was affecting and hurting Charlie. I couldn't stop reflecting on human being's vulnerabilities and our capabilities to be mean and insensitive to the truly needy like Charlie.

The whole story also reminded me of Forrest Gump, though in my opinion, Gump had a much better life. A major difference was Gump had the undying love of his mum. Perhaps better luck played a big role too.

Because of this book, I have a stronger urge than ever to do more for the less fortunate, especially the ones who are intellectually challenged, like the Charlie character. So I was drawn to MINDS, a NGO catering to the intellectually disabled in Singapore.
I used to tell myself that one day, when I am retired and kids are grown up, when I have more time in my hands, I shall channel all my energy and time to doing voluntary work. 

But come to think of it, why wait till then? There is no better time than now. As long as I can fit in a few hours when the kids are in school or when E is around to watch the kids, it may be possible to volunteer a few hours of my time a week. 

It is all about making conscious effort to find time in our schedule to make things happen. However small the effort may be at first, it is the first step that I must take. So I have taken the first step by signing up to be a MYG volunteer.

Lastly, I came across this video "In my language" which I have watched several times and I like to share. It contains a powerful message. 


O Tulip Mama said...

it's me again! been drawn to your latest few posts :) tks for sharing the goodness of the book! I'm piqued too and have noted the title. A pat on your shoulder for your first step in volunteering!

Homeschool @ sg said...

Hi, i totally get what you're saying. I too have this plan to volunteer myself to the less fortunate children..even thought of adopting one! somehow, i feel the desire to reach out to these day (yeah im at the procrastinating stage). But its really great that you took that first step despite your schedule! Bravo!!!

Mum in the Making said...

I really loved the book when I read it. Thought-provoking. :) And great that you signed up to be a volunteer! *cheers*

DG said...

Thanks ladies for the encouragement.

O Tulip Mama, I would highly recommend the book if you are not one who shuns tear-jerkers.

Homeschool@sg, I have also considered adoption and will definitely do so one day. But frankly, my only reservation lies in my lack of faith for the use of funds raised. Otherwise I will not hesitate to adopt straightaway.

MamaJ, nice to come across another person whom I (sort of) "know" to love the book too. I count this book as the BEST fiction book I've ever read!

Anonymous said...

Hey Shirley,

Thanks for sharing this inspiring note :)

O Tulip Mama said...

just want to thank u for your post on this book. Got the book reserved from the library and just finished it! Wonderful book and yes, couldn't control tears from flowing while reading Charlie's degeneration. Look forward to more of your posts on books u've read!

DG said...

oh you are most welcome! I am happy to know that you love the book too. It is a wonderful read.


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