My 6-year-old set foot in his Primary One classroom recently, during the Orientation Day.
I am impressed with the way his classroom looks. :> Actually every classroom was different, all complete with very different styles and themes.
This is a far cry from the way my primary and secondary school classrooms used to look.
There is about a month left before the school year begins, so I must get my act together to prepare him for school.
We've got the books at the orientation and I had a quick look through them all the next day. English and Maths seem easy enough for M. Even the standard of the Chinese books look manageable. There are surprisingly few difficult words or phrases! More on our preparation for Chinese in a coming post...
I procrastinated for a while and finally got his school uniforms early this week. I decided to buy the size that looks just right on him, instead of settling for an oversized set and wait for him to grow into them, just to save a few dollars. Though it is likely I would have to buy him new sets a year later, I figured it is a worthwhile expense if it means he will look smart everyday and feels good about himself.
I remember my mum used to buy me oversized uniforms. My shirts were so big that I could hide a chicken underneath if I wanted to. My skirts used to be so long that my mum had to take in at least 2 inches from the hem. Then every year, she would alter the hems to lengthen them slightly. Of course she was being sensible and thrifty because money was scarce back then.
Now, I still need to make a decision on whether to walk him or send him via school bus and get around to shop for his school bag, stationery and shoes.
I still can't decide which ergonomic bag to buy. He is only 17kg! Any feedback or suggestion, anyone?
And we have to start on the hardest part of it all - to get him and me into the routine of waking up at 6am and begin the day bright and ready.
SPi (united sq or raffles city) schoolbags from kinderfun, or from crosscom (@forum the shopping mall)(which are a bit more expensive) but child has to be present to fit for size and taught how to use the bag correctly. But crosscom refused to sell me the school bag as they deemed my girl too short for their bags as the bag ends at her tailbone. And she is 18kg, and not THAT short.
I bought Sarah's bag from SPI at United Sq. Sarah is about 18kg. The assistant said that a child should carry only 15% of his/her weight. But with all those books she needs to bring to school, it is definitely much heavier than 15% of her weight.
Hi Shirley, welcome to the primary school journey. 2 years ago at this time when I first attended my elder girl's P1 orientation, I was perturbed by the amount of books and thought primary school a far cry from her holistic kindergarten. Now, I am beginning to enjoy the journey as primary schools these days do nurture the character development of the kids through many activities, a lot of which involved parental help as well! Enjoy making new mummy friends!
As for bags, yes, I agree that SPI is good - they are very light and compact, very ideal for kids. My older girl uses that too.
I got R1's ergo school bag from the school bookshop at a fraction of the cost.. I was considering SPI or LEGO but didn't buy them in the end as they are expensive and the may not last that long..His bag cost about $30 before discount..they sell the same one at Popular
Thanks so much, ladies for your recommendations and feedback. I am considering SPI and Lego bags too, but they are so heavy, even before books are added. Oh I can't imagine M lugging all those weight around, just to walk from his classroom block to the school bus. I must fatten up my child!
Linette, I am definitely going to socialize and make new mummy friends. :D In fact, i have already started and made a few since Orientation. Hee hee.
Hi my gal is in p1 this year, I was also initially reluctant to get those ergo bags. The bags all feels heavy even when it's empty. But the salesperson was saying that when worn properly, the weight will be evenly distributed between 2 shoulders. In the end i gave in and buy her a pink SPI. Next year i shall change to a different normal bag for her. Those just U-shape zipped type and see how it goes.
Welcome to the journey of primary school life. I'm sure ur boy will enjoy the interaction he gets in sch with his peers
thanks xiaoci mama. Why do you want to change from SPI to a normal bag now? Not good or worn out?
hi hi
Do find out if wheels are allowed in your boy's school. Some schools do allowed and I see many wheeled their bags around, but some don't. Most pri school would ask the kids to bring a lot of stuff within the first few days to be stored in the classrooms. Workbooks, report book, files, art materials, etc. A kid is left with mainly Chinese text, Maths text, comm file, school diary, pencil case, water bottle. Some ego bags allows kid to buckle on at the chest to help with the weight but some don't use (or no time to buckle). I use a hand-me-down and so can't comment much on what's a good brand to get, but I think SPI do have smaller-sized bags to suit P1 kids.... have fun!
Thanks Khengyan. I don't think I will buy a bag on wheels because my boy will definitely take school bus for at least the journey home, if not both ways. Then he will have to lug it up the bus as well and I read that those on wheels usually can't last past a year. Some spoil after a few months.
Hi, its a little blackish due to not diligently washing. Also i still feel that its very heavy thou they said the weight will be even distributed on 2 shoulders. When i passed by SPI outlet @ United Sq, they were having sale for certain designs. U can also consider deuter, seems smaller. Just make sure the bag can fit in an A4 size file or folder. The file will come in handy when the sch sends parents' notification letters or consent forms.
I got an ergobag from ergokid in Wheelock Place, on Orchard Road. They have other school bag brands from Germany but ergobag was my first choice after seeing the design. It is based on hiking backpacks and so makes the school bag feel light on the child's back and also relieve the weight on the shoulders and spine.
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