Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Our Sleep-Inducing Science Centre

We have not been back to the Singapore Science Centre (SSC) since Marcus was 3 years old, I think.

Though it has been one of those weekend attractions I like to check out with the boys for as long as I can remember, it was only struck off my to-do list 3 weeks ago. 

The fact is, the boys do have a fair amount of exposure to a wide range of Science themes and topics on a regular basis through what we do at home and in my lapbooking class. Short of giving them a live animal to dissect, I think they have already gained much appreciation for the fascinating sciences of biology, physics and chemistry as pre-schoolers. Perhaps this is also why we have never felt the need to expose the kids to what the SSC has to offer. 

Having said that, I do enjoy the Imax movies I watched at the Omni-Theatre before. It would be real nice to indulge my kids in some jaw-dropping experiences too. So I persuaded the hubby and kids to go along with my plan one Sunday morning for some exhilarating Science experience! 

What we saw at the entrance wasn't bad at all. A good sign? :> 

After the breakfast at MacDonalds, we headed in with high expectations (not that the breakfast had anything to do with it). 

Unfortunately, it didn't take long for us to realize how much of a disappointment it was going to be. 

There were quite a few interactive displays in the various halls, but overall, something was amiss. Many exhibits were malfunctioning or under repair. It wasn't even very crowded that day and yet, I felt like the whole place was a lot smaller than I had remembered it to be. I felt claustrophobic after a while. 

We kept telling ourselves that there must be something else more exciting that we may have missed. Nope, not according to the "map" we had in hand. 

The saving grace is the Robotics section which has some interesting displays that intrigued Marcus. But according to the London-born, London-bred hubby who is used to the scale of quality exhibits in world-class museums and science centres, even this section is not up to mark and could do with a budget boost. 

A trick to impress grandma. 

A light workout.

Only 20 minutes of wet-play and we didn't even have to persuade the boys to leave. They were so willing to bid farewell.

Popped over to the Omni-Theatre to watch the much anticipated Imax movie on Sea Rex - A Journey to a Pre-historic World

The verdict - it works as well as a sleeping pill, if you need one. 


Looks like we won't be returning anytime soon! 


Alice Law said...

Aiyor, I was looking forward to go to its snow city next year, I should call off my plan then... luckily didn't pay a visit to the Science Centre on our recent trip to Singapore, phew~!;p

Keep well and have a great day!

DG said...

Oh we didn't bother to check out the snow city so can't comment, though I have heard of some hygiene-related issues that put me off. :p

Dominique said...

We are thinking of going down to look at the CSI exhibits. The boys love it at the Science Center and we have a 2 yr family pass. Hope they fix up their exhibits soon.


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