Monday, August 2, 2010

Our First Carnivorous Pet!

Everyone in my family has a strong preference for the pet they like to have. 

Marcus fancies a MOUSE. A white one, please. 

Chipsy wants only a PIG and nothing else!

The daddy likes a BUNNY. Or maybe a blue-ringed OCTOPUS! 

But I like another baby, if there is going to be one more mouth to feed. And I mean a human baby!! :D 

So we cannot reach an agreement. NO pet, I said. 

Then daddy came home with something else ONE FINE DAY! 


Two pots of Venus Flytrap.

I call these our pets because we have to feed it with some living creatures! 

So the boys go hunting every few days for insects. One day, they came home with some ants and another day, we found a house spider which we fed to the plant with tweezers. 

I always say I can't handle a carnivorous pet because I can't deal with the feeding part. I can't imagine going out to the store to buy some living creatures and feed them to the chameleon or octopus! Yikes! 

But now, my cool little boys are happily hunting for 'food' for their 'pets'. Hmm... it must be the testosterone. 


Handydog said...

wahahaha!!! I know it's disgusting, but it does help in getting rid of insects in the house. I'm considering it. :)

tona-mama said...

SO interesting? Frankly, does it really helps to rid insects?

If it does, I don mind getting one too!

I think venus flytraps are every little boy's dream.

DG said...

Karen/Tona, I think it may help to get rid of a few bugs, but I don't think it will solve any problems if placed in an insect-infested area. I have once placed a very small ant in the one of the traps but the trap didn't detect the ant and the prey just crawled straight out. :D

It did digest tiny spiders and big red ants though.

We don't have many insects in the house, except for the occasional house spiders, hence we have to catch 'food' for the plant. We have since moved the pots outdoors to give it a higher chance of trapping food more naturally. It seems to thrive well on its own.

Go get one pot and tell me about it! :>

tona-mama said...

Hmm.. i see. But if I've to constantly catch bugs...I'm a little scared, haha!

Of cos, I try very hard to hide that from Kimi..don't want to transfer my fears to him.

But, it's soooo interesting..think about it a while more. :)

DG said...

Tona, you don't have to keep catching bugs for the plants unless they are kept indoors. If you can, it is better to have them outdoors so they can attract their own prey. :>


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