Sunday, April 25, 2010

Listening to Tall Stories - A Parent's Prerogative!

For about 15 minutes this morning, I was sitting at the bed smiling a giant grin at my little Peanut.

The 3.5 years old was all chirpy and excited about his big story that features characters like the Monster Eagle (he made this up a few months ago with amazing details just like M's Gunsaurus), robots, dragons, space machines etc... 

"You know mummy, the humongous monster eagle will fly into the sky and become invisible. It hides behind the clouds and wait patiently. It can change colors like the chameleon, so now it is white, like the clouds. It can camouflage, you know? It is a predator, but predator must also camouflage so that its prey cannot see it and escape from danger. The prey will have no chance to survive, you know ......... " 

So I had to ask him what does the word 'invisible' mean. I know he understands words like 'humongous' and 'camouflage' and all the other words but wasn't sure he really understands 'invisible'. 

"Um... 'invisible' means cannot be seen!. Like air. Air is invisible so it means you cannot see it! If something hides behind the clouds, like the monster eagle, then it becomes invisible! See? You understand mummy? "

Hee hee.....  I was grinning from ear to ear, despite having heard his tall stories of this sort daily. His words are always such music to my ears and I can't deny I enjoy listening to those big words tumbling out of his little mouth.  

Oh my little baby, if only I could archive such experiences and relive them virtually in future. 

IF ONLY....... 


Alice Law said...

It actually needs a bundle of patience and time to listen to your kids' tall stories, you are such an incredible mom!

Have a nice day!

DG said...

Haha thanks Alice. You are too kind. Being a SAHM, I think we have no choice sometimes but to listen to their stories. :>

Handydog said...

His tall tale is so creative.. I dont mind listening to them. :)

DG said...

Hee hee... I will tell him later. I bet he will want to see you gals straightaway so he can fill your ears with his stories. :>


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