Friday, October 23, 2009

Simple Bliss

To my unmarried girlfriends and those who are married without kids, their first reaction was almost always 'Huh? What?! Why? There must be other things that are more fun to do... '  when I said how much I am looking forward to eating my lunch leisurely and in peace, without children's voices in my earshot. 

For almost 5 years, I have not been able to do that really. 

It is not quite the same to go out to a restaurant or cafe and lunch there without my kids. While I enjoy fine dining, sometimes I do prefer to just eat alone in the comfort of my home. Make a simple lunch for just me and nibble in peace. 

I can do that now that my boys are in school. Ahh.... finally!! :>

Today, I did just that. My simple source of bliss. And I am savouring every moment of it. 


Ivana said...

Amen to that! I think I have 2 more years to go before I can reach your status = )

zkcp said...

Good for you! Sharing your bliss here...


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