Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Daily Stuff

A little update on the homeschooling front... 

I have started on another literature-based lapbook with Chipsy and have mapped out a whole list of thematic activities that we will be doing for the month. In addition, there are a few areas of interest that I have identified as suitable 'windows of opportunities' to work on with him from now, given his recent zealousness and increasing adeptness in these areas. Yes, I am a believer of the Montessori method, 'child-led learning' and 'windows of opportunities', otherwise known as 'sensitive periods'.

I am trying to work out a new routine that allows me to spend a good hour (at least) with Chip daily on something structured and another hour on unstructured play/learn. This doesn't include time that the boys spend together with me doing stuff like crafts and reading.

On a daily basis, I am also setting aside an hour with M to work on his Chinese and twice a week, we work on other areas like Science/general knowledge/maths and English. 

At the moment, M is already involved in two lapbooks with two different groups of kids, which will be finished in a fortnight. In October, he will start another one with the class on a very relevant and exciting theme (I just discovered today that one of the lapbook's main themes is so coincidentally in-line with the theme which his school will be covering this term). So the content that he will be learning for this upcoming lapbook is certainly going to supplement whatever that the school is teaching concurrently. But in any case, it will be a nice revision and reinforcement. 

I am also in the midst of preparing the materials for another non-literature based lapbook which we will work on at home, perhaps in end October. 

Gosh! My boy will be entering K2 next year. Hmm....  I just glimpsed at some K2 assessment books at Popular the other day when I had a few minutes. And I am very pleased to note that M is doing real fine. :) He told me last week that school is so easy for him. He likes the teachers so much because they are giving him such easy work and he can finish them so fast. I am happy for him but there are also other nagging thoughts in my mind...... 

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