Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sharing Our Experiences

Quite a few readers of this blog have written to me asking if I could share more of our experiences and parenting tips. I quote a few here which capture the essence of most requests.

Winnie said...
Hi, you have really established a very strong foundation of English for both your sons. I am wondering if you could share yr experience/ways how you started to teach them in building up their vocabulary/new words, and in recognizing, reading (phonics?) & understanding of new words. i am a regular reader of your blog. Really amaze on the ideas you have in homeschooling. And, of course, the love you show & shower on yr children is simply wonderful & heartwarming. If possible, you could conduct a talk & share yr experiences. i believe a no. of mothers out there will be interested to participate.

Ian Lee Yi-En said...
Hi, i chanced upon your blog .. actually was trying to find out how to show flashcards to baby. However i found that you are doing so much more than just flash cards. I am a SAHM with 2 kids (one 4 years and one 4 months). I would loved to do many things with my elder son but always lack the idea to do it.Will be glad if you can share more on how you build your kids' foundation.

Treestar said...
Really enjoy reading ur blog... ur really a super mummy, Being a SAHM of 2 boys (6mths n 2.5 yrs)myself, I feel motivated when i read ur blog... I find it hard to pack up my home, after taking care of my 2 u manage to do so much?! pls share your tips...keep it up, ur truly inspirational!! =)
I have been meaning to respond to these comments/emails that I have received. But after some thoughts, I realised that it is rather difficult to just make a list of what we have done and are still doing with our kids. Simply because there is so much that we do for different objectives and during different developmental phases. It is much easier to just weave some of these ideas into my posts which is what I have been doing so far. 

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you will surely get an essense of what transpires in my home and our approach towards teaching and learning. However, nothing beats experiencing it for yourselves. 

Parents who join the Bright Minds Lapbooking Classes get to see and experience for themselves some of the homeschooling activities that I do with my kids and my coaching style. Since we get to meet up face-to-face, it is also a lot easier for them to ask me questions and we can discuss at length any issues from parenting, motherhood, homeschooling to child development. 

However, there is also a lot more that we do that I have never shared in this blog because it wasn't the focus and original intent I had when the blog was started. 

Given the numerous requests on various topics and suggestions I have been getting weekly from parents whose kids are younger than mine, I shall try to share more of what we used to do in my future posts.  

With this added glimpse, parents who are attending the classes organised at The Tots University can apply whatever they have learnt in class in their home context even more effectively with their children.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I admire how generous you are in sharing teaching/parenting tips with your readers! =)



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