Saturday, April 4, 2009

Music In My Home

Of the new pieces that he has learnt to play in the last 3 lessons, he enjoys these ones quite a bit. He just finished his Lesson 18. 

It is really sweet to sit behind him watching him play them. I know he isn't supposed to do that, but at home, he tends to sway his body a little and tilt his head from side to side as his fingers are tapping away. It always makes me smile. 

We usually start practising new songs on Wednesday afternoon for between 15 to 20 min max. If I can, I will coax him to practise again on Thursday or Friday. Usually by then, he is familiar enough. He prefers to play them from memory and doesn't like referring to the book anymore once he thinks he has learnt it.

Lately, E has some newly found enthusiasm on exposing our boys to all types of music. Currently, they are still quite pleasing to my ears as we hear a lot of classical, rock/pop, jazz and new age type of music. But I won't be surprised if not too far in the future, my boys will be listening to heavy metal! 

So what did my boys listen to last week? 

Yay! THE POLICE!!  >.<

This was played as background music every morning as my hubby gets M ready for school. After just those few days, my 4.5yo recognises the songs instantly when he hears them. 

1 comment:

Karmeleon said...

Thankfully, none of my kids graduated to the "noisy" music. And 2 of them are already teenagers at 14 & 17 and another almost a teen at 12. I am surprised, since altho' I was classically-trained, I preferred contemporary music all the way - even the "noisy"(maybe not-as-noisy music of the 80s).

It was my kids who influenced me into appreciating classical music, both English AND Chinese classical *faint* bc I used to *HATE* traditional chinese music(my #3 is into Beijing Opera music, which incidentally is NOISY. Hmm.). In a way, I am glad. And it doesn't have much to do with me as I didn't expose them that way, so it's amazing how they turned out.


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