Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Reading Chinese

I am very pleased with M's progress in learning Chinese. He is now confident enough to read simple books without hanyu pinyin, all on his own.

Here is a sample of what he has been reading aloud lately. Though this page shows hanyu pinyin, the actual pages in the book only show hanyu pinyin for the 2 to 4 new words per page. 

Now he will voluntarily speak Mandarin to me, though we still communicate primarily in English. But whenever I switch to speaking Mandarin to him, he responds accordingly. 

With his new found confidence in his ability to read, he is now more interested than ever to read Chinese books and has been bugging me to read at bedtime, in addition to the pile of other books that he wants to read or be read to.

Even little chipsy is now picking up the language at rocket speed. It is so cute to hear the little tot trying to impress me with what he has learnt. 

I have a plan on accelerating their progress.... but more on that when I have more time to write. 


Shari Lyle-Soffe said...

What a blessing to be able to read in two languages.


DG said...

I totally agree, Shari. That would be the goal! :>


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