Friday, October 31, 2008

Pork and Watercress soup


Boys finally ate the watercress and drank bowls of this pork and watercress soup! In the past, I always had to fish out all the watercress before serving but last night, Marcus ate all the watercress and liked the soup and veg so much that he asked for seconds. So did Little Chipsy who ate the leaves and drank more soup in that one sitting than he ever did - probably about a chinese rice bowl full. 

I made this for dinner last night and served it with brown rice. 

250g soft pork bones
1 large yellow onion, cut into 4 parts
3 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
250g pumpkin
150g watercress
1.5litres of water
sea salt to taste

1. Dump all ingredients except watercress into the water and bring to boil. 
2. Simmer for 1.5hr before adding the watercress and add sea salt to taste.
3. Simmer for further 30 min and serve.

The brown rice was cooked separately using stove absorption method and just added to the soup before serving. 

I kept the leftover soup in fridge and for the next day's lunch, reheated it over stove and threw in some organic Nai Bai (leafy veg) and firm tofu. I was never successful in getting Marcus to eat this vegetable before, but this time, he finished everything and announced proudly that he loves to eat leaves now. 

Lunch for the following day.

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