Monday, May 5, 2008

All the way from London

The grannies finally arrived for their annual visit about 10 days ago and had stayed with us since. Two years ago, they brought a whole suitcase full of toys and clothes for Marcus, who was an only child then. Last year, they brought a the same suitcase full of simliar goodies for both grandchildren and this year, after learning from me that our apartment is overflowing with toys, they brought food! Imagine a whole suitcase of yummy goodies for the boys (E included) and me! Wahaha! All the stuff that we can't get in Singapore or are just ridiculously priced. So now I have all my kitchen cabinets filled with yummy organic goodies which we have already began devouring since they arrived. Hmm.. there are advantages of having loved ones visiting.. Hah!

Marcus wasted no time playing with grandpa. He introduced grandpa to all the Lego toys he has, demonstrated his skills in creating some amazing structures and vehicles and learnt from grandpa how to make more amazing creations. He had grandma read to him every night and challenged her with his inquisitiveness and quick thinking, constantly asking her questions and floored her with half of them. He read to grandma and impressed her constantly with all the big words that he can recognise and tickle her with all his cheeky antics.

Of course, they couldn't kept their hands off baby Chic chic too, who charms, amuses and impresses them. He is incredibly adorable and irresistable with his non stop blabbering and babyish moves, so it is totally expected that grandpa couldn't stop cuddling him and grandma couldn't stop kissing his toes and cheeks. In fact, grandpa and baby seem to have such a good bond that grandpa has become his favourite 'couch' and baby just sinks into his couch comfortably like a baby couch potato as they both watched Animal Planet, Baby Einstein and Toy Story together. The grannies were indeed kept really busy handling both boys from the moment they woke till their bedtime and they might as well since they only get to see their grandkids once a year. I take this as a welcome break as I watch them bond.

  Marcus got an Easter egg.
  Grandpa playing Lego with Marcus.

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