Thursday, September 6, 2007

So he says...

"It's OK, mama. It's OK. Don't worry, mama." Marcus says in a reassuring tone, usually when he wants to do something that he knows I disallow or discourage previously, like walking on wet floor or walking away from dinner table with mouthful of food.

"I am just standing here" (standing in a corner with arms folded and looking all "cool")

"Be careful! Careful!" He says that a lot to us and to his toys, and a few times he yelled anxiously at some friends who were running real fast on an overhead bridge. He appeared genuinely concerned about them.

"The floor is wet, mama. Walk slowly. Caution.Wet floor." (As he reads the warning sign).

"I say wait, ok? Wait mama." Usually when he is being asked for the 10th time to take a bath or at bedtime.

"Just for one minute, ok? I finish this first." especially when he was playing, which is ALL the time, and was asked to do something else.

"Can I play with my fire-engine pleaaasssee, for just one minute?"

"Stop doing that to me" whenever we tell him something that he doesn't like to do, like brush teeth, wash face or take bath.

"Mama, don't be angry." he said that once to me when I was really angry with his papa and he came to the room looking for me, cupped my face and gave me a kiss while saying this softly. Aww...

"Ooh la mer" which he copies from Finding Nemo.

Everything that a 3 year-old says is especially cute since they are almost always accompanied by such innocence. But of course, I am a mum who is completely in love with my boy, so even his "NO!" is cute to me in some ways. His speech is sometimes so adult-like and yet sometimes, he still speaks like a toddler. The part I love the most is how his sentences are peppered with innocent remarks and cute exclamations, yet they are in complete sentences with almost perfect grammer. But I can't say the same for his Mandarin though...

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