Saturday, November 5, 2016

To Be Liked

Today, one of the little ones gave me a BIG smile and hug at the end of class.

This boy shed lots of tears during his first lesson, probably because he was scared and anxious. An understandable reaction from a young child who had never attended classes before. By the end of first lesson though, he participated eagerly in the activities and left the room with a small smile.

Throughout his second lesson last week, he was attentive and curious, albeit appearing a little hesitant at times.

Today was only his third lesson and I got a hug and BIG Smile from him!! That really made me SMILE. Even now, 12 hours later, I am still smiling just thinking about it. Affirmations from little ones cannot get more real and honest than this. It is just so sweet.

And not forgetting the others we have in class who also blew kisses and ran towards me for hugs at the end of every lesson, it is a reminder of how much love every small child has in them. So we adults must always give them the BEST that they deserve.

A few weeks ago, when I was looking through my box of materials, I saw this card made by a student of mine a few years ago.

Avinash looked forward to your sessions eagerly and thoroughly enjoyed them. He said "I learn a lot of things from this class and I also like teacher Shirley very much". Thank you very much for organizing and conducting this N2/K1 workshop.  Lavina, mum of Avinash (5 years old)
(CLICK HERE for more testimonials)

His mum's testimonial came in 2012, after he attended my 3 days workshop. Avinash joined the weekly programme immediately after, for a full-year and gave me this card in 2013 in our last lesson when I took an indefinite break from teaching.

Such are the rewards that totally put everything into perspectives for me.

Educating young minds is serious business. Skills we hone in them today will open up limitless possibilities in the near future, especially since the zero to 6 years is a period of exponential brain development.

The positive impact and imprints I am going to make on them and their lives now will last a long, long time. To be liked accelerates the process.

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