Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Hostage Situation

When she first received these Magic Clip Princesses as birthday and Xmas presents, she played with them the usual, expected ways.

1. Undressed and dressed them repeatedly throughout the day.
2. Exchanged their dresses and repeat 1.
3. Admired their appearances silently or loudly.
4. Showed them off to me a hundred times a day.

Soon, came a phase of more pretend play.

5. Have each princess interact with all her other toys. There would be lots of dialogue between the toys.
6.  The toys would "hang out" and just enjoy each other's company, at least that was what she would tell me. Chicky and Ariel (and a few others who took turns) sat, slept, played, ate, bathed together.
7. It was not always rosy and pretty. The princesses would fall and injure themselves, get themselves chased by predators too.

After owning almost the entire set of Magic Clip princesses for nearly 2 years now, they are being played with differently now.

Ariel was naughty and had to be tied up by Superman! 

This reminds me of the love/hate relationship Chip had with his "donkey".

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