Monday, April 15, 2013


To keep the tot in the high chair for a little longer after her lunch, she was given the shape sorter.

10 min later, she had enough and started demanding 'go down, go down'. I coaxed, patronised and promised 'just a little while more'.

After a few more pleas, she tried a different trick.

She watched my reaction intently. Mummy laughed. The tot was at first confused. A second or two later, she covered her mouth and let out a big laugh too.

I probably shouldn't have laughed. Maybe a stern face and a telling-off or reminder would be more appropriate. But I must admit after all these years of parenting, I am trying to laugh more at the little things. Not that it is unimportant to teach her the rights from the wrongs, I just figured a little leeway doesn't hurt at times.

Anyway, the 'no throwing' reminder did follow swiftly after. And I am pretty sure she got it, though it doesn't mean there won't be another addition to my lunch in the near future. After all, it is the phase of testing boundaries.

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