Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Curious Mind of a 4-Year-Old

It suddenly occurred to me recently that I haven't made any effort to take note of the kind of questions my inquisitive boys have been asking, like how I used to. I know how much I always enjoy reading such posts months and years later.

So here is a quick list of what N has been asking .... 

What makes the willy (penis) move? Why does it go up and down sometimes? 

What makes the heart move? What makes the heart beat faster or slower? 

When someone lost his arm, will his hand still move? 

Can a jellyfish still survive if it lost some tentacles? What about all the tentacles? 

Can you still see if someone cuts a piece of your eye out? Can you still see if that missing piece is sewn back? 

I wonder if there is a family of fairies somewhere and what will they be doing? What will they eat? 

What do robots eat? 

How do people make toothpaste? 

Are there tables that are made of other materials? Or only wood? 

How do the travalators work? Are they the same as escalators? 

Which part of the ocean do king crabs live? Midnight zone? 

etc... etc...  



Alice Law said...

With such attitude carries on, he can make a marvellous doctor in his near future!

DG said...

Wahaha! Don't know about that yet...


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