Friday, May 28, 2010

First Encounter with the Sticky Licky Lolly

His very first experience.

It's all written on his face. Oh what delight! Pure sweetness. Utter joy of the normally-forbidden-sticky lolly.

Given by a girl in school.

In the past, he would automatically said 'Yuck!' when offered one. In the recent months, a different reaction surfaced. One of curiosity and wonderment. Perhaps because most of his classmates love lollipops! And some kids would come to school with bags of them to distribute to friends after school days (and I am not referring to party bags!). Urgh!!!!

I have always explained to my boys why candies are bad for us and why we should treat our bodies well and eat only the good things. If I want to give my boys sweet treats, I would pick chocolates and ice-cream over the zero-goodness-and-teeth-decaying candies anytime!

M, being the precocious one, understands easily and would tell us he wants to feed his body only healthy food, except for the occasional treats. For the longest time, he would just refuse sweets without even tasting them first.

But the day he tasted the first soft candy in school (this new kindy which he joined last Aug), he is no longer so sure anymore! Haha!

Thankfully, he is still so innocent and honest enough to bring home every lolly he gets in school and asks me politely if he can try it.

I know such days may be numbered. So while it lasts, mummy shall have the final say.

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