Wednesday, March 31, 2010

That Love/Hate Relationship

The day M brought the animal back from school, N claimed it as his own. M didn't really mind anyway.

Oddly, N named it Donkey and has maintained since day one that he doesn't like Donkey. Despite our protests after closer examination that it has to be a camel, the stubborn boy insisted otherwise.

He looks for Donkey everyday. He buries him deep in his Lego box to be 'flattened' by all the huge blocks.

He cooks Donkey in the toy kitchen, boils him in soup in his pots and pans. He tells Donkey that he needs to go to jail because he is naughty and drops Donkey in cardboard box.

He tells Donkey that he will be placed in the open at night so that the witches will find him and take him away and the Piggies will be safe. (The Piglets are in the room, and N's most precious. So Donkey is being sacrificed to the witches). 

He makes big ship out of his Lego and places Donkey in it, before announcing to everyone that Donkey will be sailing away to a very faraway land and will never be coming back again, that he will be alone and die alone.

Hmm... his pretend play with Donkey (and some other toy animals) can be rather mean with twisted endings. Sometimes I wonder if it is normal for a 3 y.o. to come up with such stories. Where did he even get his ideas from?

We always ask him why he would want all these nasty things to happen to Donkey. He just replied simply 'I don't like Donkey'. So we offered to give Donkey away to other children. He refused. Donkey has to be trapped, he said. Hmm...

Like the other afternoon, he busied himself for 15 minutes with a single goal - Donkey has to be trapped in this bag.

And last week, I came out of the room to see my 3 y.o. pointing proudly at the door....

I must admit it made me laugh. He was all serious though.

I am sure it is nothing to be worried about. It is all child's play, albeit a little 'violent' for my expectations. But then again, boys will be boys.....


Alice Law said...

Wow, you boy has very strong personality and unique character! Are both boys sharing the same characteristic?! I don't think he would easily "LISTEN" or "OBEY", unless you instill in a very unique way that he buys! :)

M said...

So cute, sacrificing the donkey to witches, LOL!

DG said...

Mel, heehee...

Alice, N can be a tad stubborn at times, but nothing that I would worry about. And since it is pertaining to play and is in fairly harmless ways (only objects involved are toys), we let him play out his fantasies instead of laying out specific rules to follow. I think it stifles creativity and imagination. But we remain watchful.

Actually both boys are not that alike in personalities, though they share certain traits which I think has a lot to do with the upbringing.


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