Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The WORST Part of the Day

These days, M has a daily grouse. 

"Oh! I hate sleeping! Sleeping is so boring and waste of time. I don't need to sleep. I want to stay awake the whole day and night. I hate night time. Why must the Sun go to sleep? Why must I go to sleep? I am NOT Tired! Do you hear me? N-O-T tired at all! ...... "

And it can go on and on ..... 

He would rather draw or read or play Lego. Or do all three! Anything, except sleeping. He calls it the worst time of his day. 

He is still crazily in love with Lego, so constructing with Lego is never boring.  He announced recently that his hands are very special and he has plenty of special ideas in his brain to build and build all the most extraordinary machinery and structures. 

His exact words. 

He is still building something amazing everyday. Every construction is very different and he doesn't read manuals. He just creates from scratch with such concentration and attention to details. 

Undeniably, the sense of achievement is immense and his confidence greatly soars when he successfully designed and assembled a challenging contraption.

I asked him if that is something he would like to do when he grows up. "Urm... I don't know! I don't want to grow up! I want to be small forever, be just a 4 year old forever."

But tonight when we were reading about fossils, he announced with such conviction that he wants to be the cleverest paleontologist on Earth! 

Hmm.... obviously, something has changed in my 5 yr old in the last week, since up till a week ago, it was still 'I want to be the cleverest scientist and discoverer who can find lost cities and underwater world'.  

And before that, it was .... 'I want to be the best scientist and astronaut who discovers the new galaxies'.

Ahh... kids have the best dreams!  Ahem.. my first dream when I was a child was to be a teacher. :> 

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