Wednesday, August 26, 2009


...... made me cry. 

When it was first released, I didn't pay much attention to it though it starred Nicole Kidman, one of my all-time favorite actresses.

But when E brought back the DVD that he borrowed from his gym as his choice of 'chick flick' for me, I decided to watch it anyway. 

Alone. Accompanied by only a bowl of fruits. In the quiet of the night. 

I had no idea what the storyline was and no high expectations to begin with, except for some quality acting by Kidman. 

But as the story unfolded, I was really moved at parts and a lot of emotions were stirred in me. 

I held my breath when the herd was charging at Nullah. I wept at many parts of the movie, either of sadness, relief or just being moved. 

I celebrated quietly when love was found. I sobbed when love was lost. I got all tingly when love was consummated. I love the line 'If you got no love, you got nothing. No stories, no dreams, no nothing.'

On a more light-hearted note, I realize now how watchable Hugh Jackman is. I have actually forgotten about the Tall, Dark and Handsome breed. Hmm.. eye candies are good!  

1 comment:

Clarabela said...

I enjoyed the movie Australia too. Even though it was a bit long, it has an amazing story. And watching Hugh Jackman for 2+ hours is not a bad thing either.


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