Thursday, July 23, 2009

Our Big Sweetie

On the way to school one morning, E and our 4.5yo boy chatted about bunnies.

E: 'Do you remember our bunny, Toffee? What happened to him?'
M: 'Yes I remember. He died. Now he is with the dinosaurs.'
E: 'Papa is sad that Toffee died.'
M: 'Oh, don't worry papa, you have a baby cheeky!' and he looked up at E and cuddled his leg.

This is just so typical of our sweet little boy.

He has such a big heart, filled with compassion and love. He feels sorry for people he doesn't know when he learns of their unfortunate plight. He gets sad when trees get chopped down as he worries about their feelings and wonder if they can feel pain. He is quick to come and comfort any of us if we get a little bruise or knock.

Whenever his little brother says things like 'I don't want mummy, mummy go away', he would add immediately 'oh but I want mummy, I love mummy'.

He loves it when we call him 'our sweet baby owl'. In response, he hoots in a whisper and looks at us with a demure expression and tender eyes. Aww... he knows exactly what to do to melt our hearts and win us over.

Enjoying his sweet treat after our zoo visit.

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