Friday, January 9, 2009

Driving Away

We chanced upon a bunch of kids driving some motorised vehicles one evening after our library visit. 

For $3 per block of 15 min per vehicle, my boys had the whale of a time! 

The 4yo was such a natural driver. He knew how to manuveour the steering wheel and shift the gear from forward to reverse and back. The only problem is he kept checking out the wheels of other moving vehicles when his eyes should be focused on the road ahead. He banged into the others a few times and onto the walls once or twice. But that gave him the opportunity to learn quickly how he could reverse his car and drive his way back to join the rest. 

Being underaged, Chipsy was placed in a remote-controlled car which papa manuveoured from a distance away. He didn't mind it at all! He was probably pretending to be a F1 driver anyway.

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