Monday, February 11, 2008

16 months old

Nicholas is over 16 months now and is such a chatty little boy. He has lots of conversations with Marcus who likes to ask him questions and gives him orders, and the baby just responds in his sweet little voice and confident mannerisms. Not the least bit intimidated. I am sure he always has some witty responses for his big brother as he points his little finger around and moves his head in tandem and sometimes just facing Marcus and looks him in the eyes. Whenever Marcus raises his voice, either out of frustration or just trying to demonstrate a point (which I suspect he learnt from his parents), we can almost immediately hear the sweet little voice go a few pitches higher too. It is nonetheless wonderful and amusing to watch and as long as they don't end up in tears, I would love to watch the little drama with a cup of aromatic coffee while the helper stands close by to stop any fight.

After months of saying the same few words, at least the ones that I can recognise, Nicholas has entered his phase of word spurt. I am sure he is saying a lot more than I can remember right now, but off my head here is the list - mama, papa, bird, car, taxi, bus, decker, digger, bath, flower, leave, dog, cat, auntie, ah-ma, shoes, walk, hi, bye bye, bubble, water, up, thank you, star, knock knock, no, give, this way, five, where, yeah, crane, night night.

For the past 3 months, he has been communicating his needs through lots of pointing, or he will come over and grab my hand or finger and pull me towards the 'object' which he wants me to do something with... e.g. to open the door or window, drawer etc..

He is extremely sociable. Waves at everyone (strangers included) when he meets them and says 'hi' loudly with a smile and waves 'bye bye' to everyone (strangers included) when he is leaving the group. He chuckles at small kids who make faces at him and laughs when he watches older kids play chase.

He still loves to cuddle his Piggy to sleep and it always brings a smile to my face to watch him fall asleep soundly with Piggy next to his face.

His favourite toy is anything that Marcus is playing with at the moment and he just likes to be in the middle of everything that Marcus is playing with. The Result - lots of toys snatching, 'no no', and lots of lessons about sharing and lots of tears!

He walks around the house and walks around the condo facility and playground at least twice a day, sometimes up to five times a day. He doesn't love looking at books or be read to as much as Marcus used to, but I suspect that is just because he hasn't been exposed to books as much as Marcus. It used to be a lot easier to just read to Marcus and get him to spend up to half hr on books at a time. But with Nicholas, he is always checking out what Marcus is doing and won't sit still enough to look through more than 2 books with me. Well, I am not discouraged at all though, there is still plenty of time to change that.

For now, my little beautiful baby is turning into a gorgeous little boy who is ever so affectionate and cheeky. He always dashes to me with a mega smile and grabs my legs whenever I come home from yoga or the gym. He blows kisses and hugs me whenever I ask him for one and would kiss me on my lips if I lower my face to his.

It is heartwarming when Marcus tells me how much he loves Nicholas and these days, it is evident from many of Marcus' daily activities that he is enjoying being the big brother. And who wouldn't when their little one is as irresistably adorable as my baby Nicholas.

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