Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Santa Claus

E used to write to Father Christmas when he was little, giving details of the presents he wished Santa will bring him. So we find it an endearing tradition to follow for our boys. This being the first year that Marcus can really appreciate Christmas, E got him started writing to Father Xmas a few weeks ago. He wrote a beautiful letter which E pretty much dictated and helped with spelling, but the little boy did the writing. Pity he tore it all up into little bits and we lost it somehow before we could take a picture for remembrance.

Still, Marcus didn't let us or Father Xmas forget what he wishes for. He tells us everyday.

"Mama, Santa Claus will bring me (patting his own chest) a Lego garbage truck because I am a good boy" (nodding vigorously to make his point).

"Mama, can you tell Santa Claus I am a good boy, so he will bring me a Lego garbage truck for Christmas?"

"Mama, only good boys get presents for Christmas right? I want something from Toys R Us... um.. I want the Lego garbage truck. Oh! Oh! I also want Harvey (from Thomas & Friends)."

His list just gets longer and longer each day but he pretty much gets the idea that he has to be a good boy for Santa to bring him presents on Christmas and he knows that he needs to communicate to Santa by writing to him. Recently he started writing again to Santa "Dear Father Christmas....."

He really wants the Lego garbage truck, amongst other things.. Ever since he received his first set of Mega Bloks construction vehicle for age 3+ which he adored, E has bought him the Lego cement mixer and later the Lego Police car which we brought to Bali. Both for age 5 to 12. He was looking at the Lego brochure one day and told papa he wanted the cement mixer set. Later at Toys R Us, he insisted singlemindedly that was what he wanted, so how could papa resist! He really did well with the 2 sets. Plays with them everyday and now he can construct the police car from memory. Still needs some help with the cement mixer but he knows where all the parts belong.

I can't help but beam with pride when I see him fix up the parts and run to me proudly with the finished product.

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