Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Sans clothes

Nicholas is fascinated with his little fan. Delights him when it is working. Stuns him when I turn it off. Surprises him when his little fingers could turn the blades and make the fan work manually.

This boy hates clothes.. Wants to be naked all day long, if only I would allow him. Happiest when I strip his clothes off, screams when I put his nappy back on. Once on the changing mat, he struggles, wriggles and kicks while I try to dress him. He looks so utterly adorable without clothes that I often give in for ten minutes or so.. just let him crawl around our bed sans-clothes and nappy, while I admire his butt cheeks and cute tum-tum and giving him millions of kisses on his fuzzy nut and that smiley face. I just know that one of these days, I will regret this freedom should he do a giant and messy poo on my duvet covers or big wee on my Simmons bed. But for now, the temptations are too great, I just have to indulge my boy. :)

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